Update on Ongoing City Projects


Second Half of Council Preview Program Highlights Project Updates

In the second half of the February 23 episode of Council Preview, City Administrator Steve Barg outlined the status of some ongoing City of Marshfield projects. For a full preview of the next Common Council meeting on February 28, click here.

Wenzel Family Plaza

Currently, $1-1.1 million of the total 1.3 million dollar project has been raised, with the public campaign currently underway. The next step is to bid out the project. This will take place in the next 30-60 days, and allow developers to better pinpoint the total cost of the project. The intent is to begin construction during the summer. Read more here.

Hefko Pool Replacement

On January 24, the Pool Study Committee presented an update to the community. After nearly a year of research (including tours of various other water facilities) they estimate the cost of a new pool package to be about $5.9 million. The next step for the City is to decide where the new pool facility will be located. The committee has been operating under expectation that it would be on the current site, but Council recently charged the group with determining a list of potential locations. The group will return in a few months with their conclusions, pro/cons of each site. At that time, Council will decide whether to pursue the project and reopen cost discussions and funding options. Read more about the Pool Study here.

Community Center

Also known as Phase II of the new library project, the Community Center (to be located in the former library location) is still in progress. In the last month, Council approved an updated floor plan to show how the building would be divided. There is an area of about 3,000 square feet that is not yet accounted for. Marshfield History Museum and Marshfield Job Center are approved tenants. Zimmermann is the architect and Boson is the construction manger. In 30-60 days, Council expects to have more information, at which point they can then bid out interior remodeling.

All are welcome to attend Common Council (and all open government meetings). The meeting begins at 7:00pm at City Hall Council Chambers.

News Desk
Author: News Desk