Board of Public Works Updates on Trash and Recycling Services


Update on 4/13/18

Carts are expected to arrive in Marshfield on Monday, April 16 and delivery is expected to start that afternoon.  At this point, Advanced Disposal is not anticipating delays due to the weekend weather.  Cart delivery will be about a 10 day process, so all carts will be delivered before the April 30 start date for collection using the new carts.  Both the refuse and recycling carts will be delivered at the same time.  Information on the new routes and collection schedule will included inside the recycling cart.  Questions can be directed to Advanced Disposal at 715-502-3565.

Updates From April 2, 2018 Meeting

At Tuesday’s Board of Public Works meeting, Advanced Disposal’s Dale Marth provided an update on the City’s refuse & recycling transition to automated carts.

Watch the meeting here on MCTV!

Important dates:
April 16 – Carts will begin to be delivered over the course of about 8-10 days.
April 30 – First day of pickup with new carts

Inside the new recycling cart will be a bag containing educational information, including pickup date schedules (which might change for some residents).

See our full guide to the transition here.

Read More:

Important Information about your Residential Trash and Recycling Service


Why the change?
The switch will be a significant cost savings for the City of Marshfield and its taxpayers.
Find background information and cost analysis here:
Will Advanced Disposal pick up old bins?
Old Advanced Disposal and Veolia bins can be collected free-of-charge. Residents wishing to dispose of those can call 715-502-3565 to arrange pickup. Residents wishing to dispose of bins that are NOT AD or Veolia will need to put them INSIDE their new bins, or bring to Advanced Disposal.

Will the City send out a calendar with new pickup dates?
Yes! When the new containers are delivered, they will have a calendar and information inside.

What if my trash/recycling won’t fit in the bins?
There is the option to purchase additional containers (see below). Marshfield residents can also drop off extra trash bags at Advanced Disposal free-of-charge.

Can I purchase extra containers?
Yes! Extra containers are currently $10/month/cart, paid to Advanced Disposal. Call 715-502-3565 to inquire.

What do I do with my bulk items (old couches, etc)?
Under the new contract, Advanced Disposal will continue their free bulk item service. Residents will simply need to call ahead for this: 715-502-3565.

Does all trash and recycling need to be in the bins?
Yes. Trash and recycling outside of the AD bins will not be picked up. This is due to safety reasons. Read more here:

What can I recycle?
News Desk
Author: News Desk