

The Fine Print

OnFocus.news is a locally owned and operated for-profit website. OnFocus is owned by TriMedia, LLC. Unless otherwise stated, all posts, photography, and content is the property of OnFocus. Do not share any content of this site (posts, photography, or content) without giving proper credit to this site and/or OnFocus News.

Weather Disclosure

This web site makes no guarantees about nor bears any responsibility or liability concerning the accuracy or timeliness of the weather information published on this website. We will not be liable for any damage, loss or injury sustained by any person as a result of the information accessed or used from this website.

This also applies to any information published by onfocus.news on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and any other information published anywhere in the name of this website.

All-weather information published on this web site is for educational and weather enthusiast purposes only.

Privacy Policy

OnFocus.news does not collect personal information about individuals, such as names or e-mail addresses unless the individual knowingly shares it and agrees to the terms of use. All names and email addresses collected are never shared with third parties. This site sometimes contains links to external sites. OnFocus is not responsible for the content or privacy policy of these sites.

Sponsored Content

OnFocus is an online media resource. Traditionally newspapers and shoppers pay drivers and mail systems to deliver their news and stories to your mailbox. Being based online, we utilize social media as a delivery source. Like traditional newspapers that pay to deliver their content to your mailbox, we pay to deliver our content to your news feeds. Some means of delivery appear as sponsored content, but this does not mean that we are promoting the content, we are simply delivering the story.


We do our best to ensure all information is current and up to date. We pride ourselves on a 99% uptime throughout the year. As information published here is collated from various external resources some information may be outdated due to outages or failures from any upstream providers.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the disclosure or privacy policy of this site please get in touch via our Contact Page.

News Desk
Author: News Desk