City of Marshfield Announces New Director of Development Services


Marshfield Native Josh Miller to Lead City of Marshfield Development Services

In October, Jason Angell announced he would be leaving his Director of Development Services position with the City of Marshfield. This launched a nationwide search for a replacement, which concluded tonight with the announcement that current City Planner Josh Miller was promoted into the role.

“Josh has been an outstanding employee for the City of Marshfield over the past nine years, including serving most recently as City Planner,” said City Administrator Steve Barg. “The recently-completed comprehensive plan update is a great example of his project leadership and outreach to the community and our key stakeholders. He is an exceptionally hardworking and dedicated employee, and I look forward to working with him in his new position.”

The City received ten applications for Development Services Director, and three individuals were interviewed for the position. The candidate recommended by the search team and approved by the Council was Miller.

A Marshfield native, Miller graduated from UW-River Falls with a degree in Land Use Planning. His first job out of college was with Cedar Corporation, an Engineering and Consulting firm in Menomonie, WI, where he worked for five years as a Planner.

He then returned to his hometown to work for the City of Marshfield as a City Planner, a position he held until recently, when he stepped up to serve as Interim Director of Development Services after Angell resigned.

In his time with the City of Marshfield, Miller has been involved with a number of programs, with particular passion for the Safe Routes to School Program (Walk/Bike to School Challenge), the development and adoption of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and the update to the Official Map.

“I love that I get to interact with so many great people in the community on a daily basis,” said Miller. “Whether that’s fellow staff, a concerned citizen, or a business owner looking to expand, each interaction provides an opportunity to learn about different aspects of the people and businesses of Marshfield.”

The mission of the Department of Development Services is the progressive development of the commercial, industrial, and residential areas of the city, thereby ensuring the planned, orderly development of the city. The department formulates, supervises, and administers the community planning program, guided by the City of Marshfield’s Comprehensive Plan. The community planning program includes short and long-range planning, land use regulations, annexations, and transportation system plans.

Miller looks forward to overseeing these duties as Director of Development Services, and is especially excited for the community’s newest project: Wenzel Family Plaza.

“I believe it will be a great place for the downtown and has an opportunity to be catalyst for new businesses and future redevelopment opportunities in the downtown,” he said.

News Desk
Author: News Desk