Board of Public Works Explores Implementing New Recycling and Waste Carts


New Waste and Recycling Containers Would Improve Safety and Efficiency

As the City of Marshfield reaches the end of their current 8-year contract (expiring December 31, 2017) with Advanced Disposal, both parties have resumed discussion about new residential garbage and recycling proposals for the City of Marshfield. One proposal includes the distribution of new garbage and recycling containers to all residential units.

“Throughout the course of our contract, we’ve talked informally with Advanced Disposal that when the time is right we want to make the switch to these units,” said Public Works Director Dan Knoeck. “That’s the industry trend. Other communities have made this switch.”

If adopted per the agreement, two 96-gallon carts (one for waste and one for recycling) would be provided to all approximately 7,200 homes in the City of Marshfield.

Advanced Disposal currently offers the carts for their commercial customers, and has been utilizing them in rural areas. After implementing the carts in some area townships, Advanced Disposal has discovered numerous benefits to that system, including safety to their drivers and improved efficiency of pickup.

“There is improved safety for the operator because they aren’t getting out of the truck,” said Knoeck. “They are using a robotic arm that picks the cart up and dumps it into the truck.”

In addition to safety and efficiency, the carts also encourage recycling.

“Because the recycling container is bigger, people are more apt to use it,” said Knoeck. “Studies have shown that when you have a bigger recycling capability, recycling percentages go up.”

Weather-proof and with a secure lid, carts also benefit the customer as they remove bags from the street and protect garbage from wildlife. Though large in size, the carts are easy to maneuver.

“These carts are on wheels and are balanced, so once you get the feel of how to move them they can be easier than dragging a bin or garbage can,” said Knoeck.

As the business’s biggest local customer, supplying each Marshfield residential unit the two containers involves a significant investment from Advanced Disposal. Not only will they pay for the carts, some additional trucks will also need to be outfitted for the collection system.

Currently, garbage pickup is covered through property tax collections, and this will likely remain the same moving forward. Per the current contract, the City of Marshfield pays Advanced Disposal a fee per residential unit. There is no additional cost, beyond what a property owner pays in property taxes.

Advanced Disposal will purchase and own the carts (which will stay with the house if a resident moves). Additionally, they will take care of maintenance in the event that a wheel falls off or the cart is damaged.

With increased recycling, fewer critters in the garbage, and less garbage in the streets, as well as improved safety and efficiency for pickup crews, the switch to the wind-resistant and weather-proof carts, if implemented, is expected to be a positive move for all involved.

Yet to be determined is the ultimate cost to the City and the length of the contract. Advanced Disposal and the Board of Public Works will continue discussions. If a contract is approved, the carts would be distributed in fall of this year.

Residents are encouraged to contact City of Marshfield Public Works at 715-387-8424 or via e-mail at with any questions.

News Desk
Author: News Desk