Wood County Board Recap – March 20, 2018

Wood County Board Meeting 3-20-18

County Board met today and took up many important issues.

by Steven Okonek – The first issue that was taken up was a resolution to direct the Highway, Parks and Forestry, and Planning and Zoning departments to work together to improve the ATV/UTV trail system in Wood County. Supervisor Kremer referenced the trail/route system that the counties to the west and south have. Supervisor Kremer also spoke about the businesses in the rural areas of the district that could benefit from a trail/route system. The resolution passed 18-1 with Sup Breu voting no.

Watch the meeting here.

The board considered a resolution to make a major change to the County Board rules. The resolution would change who chooses the chair of county committees. The Board rules currently allow the County Board Chair to choose the committee chairs. The resolution would move that authority to the committees to elect their own chairs. This has a huge effect on the change to the way the County Board is structured, as the committee chairs are also on the executive committee. The resolution passed 10-9

The board also had a request from the Treasurer’s Office to transfer $75,116 from unanticipated 2017 revenues to the Maintenance Department for new furniture as the current furnishing is damaging computer equipment. According to Treasurer Heather Gehrt, her department is returning a total $190,874.14 to the general fund from unexpected revenue of which the $75,000 is part of.  17-2 with Sup. Kremer and Fisher voting no.

The Board voted to create a 1 FTE position for an Accounts Payable Administrator in the county vote passed 19-0.

Supervisor Clendenning and Sup. Winch expressed concerns over taxpayers paying for the education of employees. Supervisor Rozar spoke about how important this would be to recruitment and retention of employees. Sup. Hinkle spoke about the difficulties that the county could have finding employees as demographics shift. The resolution passed 12-7.

The Board voted to sell 7.71 acres of land in Wisconsin Rapids at the intersection 17th Ave and Rosencrans St. for $120,000. The vote passed 19-0.

The County Board attempted to take up a resolution that was not on the agenda that would move money from the County Contingency Fund to Edgewater Haven for upgraded HVAC at the facility. After much debate a motion was made to postpone to the next meeting as it was not properly noticed. The motion passed 11-8.

The Board considered raising the pay of the County Coroner. The coroner currently is paid $2.43 an hour for a 40-hour week, plus $85 per call. The pay would be changed to a base salary of $15,000 per year and per-call pay of $85. The vote on the amendment passed 18-1 with Sup Winch voting no.

News Desk
Author: News Desk