Wenzel Family Plaza Construction Bid to be Awarded Tuesday

Proposed rendering from April 2017. Has since been updated.

Board of Public Works to Award Bid for Wenzel Family Plaza

At Tuesday’s Board of Public Works meeting, the Board will award the bid for the Wenzel Family Plaza. (Read the agenda background packet here. Notes from the packet included below.) The City of Marshfield Common Council meets the same night, with the Board of Public Works meeting minutes included in the Consent Agenda.

Bids for the project came in higher than projected, thus the Board will also be presenting on additional funding sources and proposing a plan to reduce project costs.

Get ready for the Council meeting with this episode of Council Preview:

Bids were received from The Boson Company and Marawood Construction Services, Inc., both of Marshfield, and were opened on Friday August 4, 2017. The totals are shown below, along with the pre-bid estimate:

Early on in the design process, it was determined that the project budget of $1,299,816 would not be adequate to complete the desired plan. Staff went through several scope reduction efforts with the consultant and EDB and ultimately decided to see how the actual pricing came in with the bids and then look for a combination of additional funding options and cost saving reductions. With bids now in hand, the total project estimate is as follows:

The Economic Development Board (EDB) met on August 8 to review the bids and will contribute another $300,000 to the project. The Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) met on August 10 and has committed $200,000 to the project. The EDB also recommended rejecting alternates totaling $98,802 and asked staff to work with Boson to review the bids to reduce costs to balance project funding with estimated expenses. The result is as follows:

Read the rest, including a list of proposed reductions, here.

News Desk
Author: News Desk