Update on Refuse and Recycling Collection Schedule and Routes


Important Information on New Refuse and Recycling Carts

OnFocus – Advanced Disposal began delivery of new refuse and recycling carts for residents of Marshfield on April 17, 2018. Delivery will continue through Friday April 27. Collection using the new carts will begin on Monday, April 30, however, residents may begin using the new carts as soon as they receive them if they wish.

Please note that collection schedules and routes have changed. Please refer to the education materials and maps found inside your new recycling cart to confirm your pick up days. If you do not receive a map or misplace your map, the information will be available on the City of Marshfield website, or can be picked up at Advanced Disposal, 501 South Hume Avenue, at the City Clerk’s office in City Hall or at the Street Department, 407 West Second Street. Remember that refuse collection will continue every week, however collection of recyclables will be every other week.

If you have any questions on the new service, please feel free to contact
Advanced Disposal at 715-502-3565. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we transition to this new service.

Dan Knoeck
Director of Public Works



Board of Public Works Updates on Trash and Recycling Services


News Desk
Author: News Desk