Traffic Concerns Near Hemlock/8th Street Highlighted at Board of Public Works Meeting


At the September 25, 2018 Common Council meeting, residents in the area of 8th Street
and Hemlock raised several concerns regarding traffic and pedestrian safety in their
neighborhood. Staff was asked to review this item at the next Board of Public Works meeting, which took place Monday, October 1.

In a memo to Board members, Public Works Director Dan Knoeck outlined his findings:

  • Neighborhood streets are already parked full during events at the middle school.
    This will only get worse if the 8th & Hemlock field is no longer available for off-street
  • Cars are parking where they are not supposed to be is an enforcement issue and the Marshfield Police Department has been informed and will be stepping up enforcement in that area.
  • 8th & Palmetto is a blind intersection (referenced a recent 3-car crash)
  • Parents are dropping off and picking up kids on 8th Street and kids are running
    across the street not using a crosswalk.
  • Snowbanks at crosswalks make crossing the street dangerous for kids.
  • Lighting in the 8th & Hemlock field is poor the only city lighting in that area is a street light on the corner of 8th & Hemlock

The board did not take any final decisions but agreed with Knoek to do further study on the intersection of 8th and Palmetto and to work with the school district to come up with a plan to alleviate parking and traffic flow issues in the area.

During the meeting, the board also reviewed parking restrictions on Linden Avenue from 5th Street to 8th Street and parking restrictions on East 6th Street from Central Avenue to Maple Avenue.

City Engineer Tom Turchi recommended that parking is restored on the east side of Linden Avenue between 5th Street and 8th Street and that the “90-Minute Parking restriction be removed on the north side of East 6th Street between Central Avenue and Maple Avenue.

News Desk
Author: News Desk