Town of Rock Appoints Ad Hoc Committee on Frac Sand Mine


The Town of Rock has appointed an Ad Hoc mining review committee to collect public input on Coulee Frac Sand and Carbo Ceramics proposed frac sand mine to be located on the corner of County Road V and MacArthur Drive. Kay Varsho, Lizz Drexler, Jim Schmidt, Dave Venzke and Jeff Ott are part of the committee.

Coulee Frac Sands currently operates a facility near Merrillan, WI and have offered residents of the town the ability to take a bus down to the site and see the operation from a distance. They will also give a tour of the facility to the members of the Ad Hoc committee. Residents of the Town of Rock can contact the township through the contact info at this link to see which spots are available.

Town Chair Pete Winistorfer had the opportunity to tour the mine site two weeks ago. “I was very surprised and impressed at what I saw. The noise levels we’re nowhere near what I had anticipated,” said Winistorfer. “I was truly amazed I was able to stand right next to the machinery and hold a conversation…I feel that as a Township we need to send these residents down…that’s the only way they’ll be able to make an informed decision on the situation.”


Town of Rock Gets First Look at Frac Sand Mining Plans

News Desk
Author: News Desk