Street Division Announces Road Closure


Adams Avenue Will be Closed Starting May 29


Beginning the week of May 29th, 2017 the following street will be under construction:
Adams Ave – 5th St. to Adler Road

The above listed street will be under construction beginning the week of
May 29th, 2017. Access to residential driveways will remain open as reasonably possible throughout the reconstruction process.

There will be times when access to driveways will be restricted and residents will need to find alternate parking on adjacent side streets. At the conclusion of the reconstruction phase of the project a new asphalt surface will be applied, and the street will be closed during this process. Additional notifications will be made to residents prior to this closure.

This schedule will change if unfavorable weather conditions or other unforeseen issues warrant changes.

Please contact the Street Division at (715) 486-2081 with any questions. Thank you.

-Mike Winch, Street Superintendent

News Desk
Author: News Desk