Ribbon Cutting and Open House for new Everett Roehl STEM Center to be held September 12

(C) TriMedia

STEM Center to Celebrate Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Submitted to FOCUS – The ribbon cutting ceremony and open house for the new Everett Roehl Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Center at UW-Marshfield/Wood County will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 12. The ribbon cutting ceremony will take place outside the STEM Center facing W. 5th St. at 5 o’clock. Refreshments and tours of the new building and of the refurbished Aldo Leopold Science building will be available immediately after the ribbon cutting ceremony. In the event of rain, all activities will be held in the STEM Center Commons. Members of the public are invited to attend. Parking is available in the Helen Connor Laird Fine Arts Building lot, which is accessible from W. 5th St.

Groundbreaking Ceremony from earlier this year: 

The event will include brief remarks by the following speakers:

  • Keith Montgomery, regional executive officer and dean, UW Colleges North
  • Ray Cross, president, UW System
  • Cathy Sandeen, chancellor, UW Colleges and UW-Extension
  • Donna Rozar, president of the UW-Marshfield/Wood County Foundation and member of the Wood County Board of Supervisors
  • A representative from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Office

Construction on the 17,000 square foot STEM Center and renovation of the existing science building began last September. The new building houses chemistry, microbiology, the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program and Community room. Changes to the Aldo Leopold Science building include the addition of a distance education classroom, an engineering lab, renovation of the geography/geology and biology areas, and relocation of the math department and classrooms.

Concept rendering

The $5.7 million project was funded through a combination of public and private support. Wood County and the City of Marshfield, owners of the land and of the buildings on the UW-Marshfield/Wood County campus, each contributed $1 million. Remaining funding came from private donations, as part of an 18-month capital campaign led by the UW-Marshfield/Wood County Foundation. In addition, the state allocated $1.5 million for movable equipment and furnishings.

“As we all know, careers in science, technology, engineering and math are in demand and will be for years to come,” said Montgomery. “This new state-of-the-art facility will ensure our students will develop the knowledge and skills to be successful in a growing number of STEM-related professions.”

Bray Architects, Madison, designed the STEM Center, and Miron Construction, Neenah, managed construction of the new building.

Tour from MCTV of new STEM building:

UW-Marshfield/Wood County is located at 2000 W. 5th St., Marshfield, Wis., 54449.

News Desk
Author: News Desk