Meet Marshfield Community Television


About Marshfield’s Local Community Television Station

Marshfield Community Television is more than a traditional public access station. Encompassing three channels, with a respective focus on Public, Education, and Government programming, MCTV is an award-winning station recognized throughout the midwest for its top-notch productions and quality programming.

A contracted service with the City of Marshfield, MCTV is governed by a Cable Committee and managed by an independent media contractor. With a fully operational television studio, editing suites, and control room, MCTV staff and volunteers film, edit, produce, and broadcast (both on-air and online) hundreds of original programs every year.

Programming encompasses everything from church services to cooking shows, sporting events to nonprofit features, talk shows to documentaries. Members of the community can learn how to operate a camera and equipment through a formal community producer course which then qualifies them to check out gear and produce their own programs.

Supporting the values of free speech and allowing for the expression of diverse points of view, MCTV recognizes community diversity and encourages communication, emphasizes community, and promotes participatory democracy. Other values include encouraging artistic expression, providing public interest programming, expanding educational access, and enhancing communication within the community.

MCTV can be viewed on Charter Cable Channels 989, 990, and 991, and online at



  • MCTV consists of three cable channels on the Charter Cable system:
    Public (989), Education (990), Government (991)


  • A 5% franchise fee paid by cable subscribers funds the three channels.
  • NO City tax dollars are used to fund MCTV.
  • The franchise fees are in a non-lapsing account separate from the General Fund.
  • The cable franchise fee is regulated by the State of Wisconsin.


  • Original shows produced in 2016: 626 (includes government, education, community programming)
  • Nonprofit organizations helped with video programming in 2015/16: 44
  • Events posted to events page/community calendar in 2016: 641 events – Million+ views
  • Community producer-generated programs in 2016: staff assisted 20 producers w/ 337 shows


  • MCTV is a contracted service with the City of Marshfield, managed by a private contractor (Coordinator) and supervised by a Mayor-appointed Cable Committee.


  • Cable TV Committee
  • Oversee the PEG (Public/Education/Government) Channels
  • Approve a yearly budget
  • Work with the Coordinator in developing programming, policies, and procedures


  • Programming is produced by both staff and unpaid community producers (volunteers)
  • All programming is available online (website, YouTube, social media, and other platforms)
  • Duties of staff include master control, camera operation, filming, editing, scheduling, social media management, training, equipment maintenance, etc…all included and paid for within the Coordinator contract
News Desk
Author: News Desk