Marshfield Utilities Offers Lead Service Line Replacement Plan to City Residents


Grant Helps Utility Provide Lead Service Line Replacement for Customers

submitted by Marshfield Utilities

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Marshfield Utilities is pleased to present an opportunity for our customers who have lead water service lines to have them replaced at little or no personal cost through a state funded program.

Marshfield Utilities applied for and was awarded a $300,000 grant through the Environmental Loans Section of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This money can be used only for lead service line replacement on private property that will result in full lead service line replacement on both the utility owned and customer owned sides of the water service.

The DNR is allowing three years from the date that the Financial Assistance Agreement is executed for the funds to be expended by the municipality. With the plan that Marshfield Utilities has derived, customers will apply to participate in the program and then will work directly with a contractor selected from a list of pre-qualified plumbers for their water service replacement.

The DNR will reimburse the customer or the plumber directly following the work completion. These reimbursement dollars will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis so it is important for customers to respond promptly when notified.

Customers who have been identified as having lead water service lines will receive a letter from Marshfield Utilities explaining this opportunity.

“Our hope is that we eliminate as many lead service lines as possible, if not all of them,” states John Richmond, Water Manager for Marshfield Utilities. Customers are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.

“This is truly a win-win opportunity for customers to be able to take proactive measures, make a healthy choice, and at little to no cost,” said Richmond.

Customers with questions or concerns in regard to the lead service line replacement program should contact John W. Richmond, PE Water Manger of Marshfield Utilities by email at or by phone at 715-898-2170.

News Desk
Author: News Desk