Marshfield Police Auxiliary Celebrates 40 Years in Community

Police Auxiliary patrol at Marshfield Cultural Fair

Auxiliary Celebrates Four Decades Assisting Marshfield Police Department

A group of individuals dedicated to serving their community by helping the Marshfield Police Department in any way that is needed, the Marshfield Police Auxiliary consists of members that are not sworn officers, but rather volunteers who receive no compensation for their efforts and do not have the authority of sworn officers, such as arrest powers.

“Auxiliary members assist the Marshfield Police Department with traffic and parking control at events or during law enforcement activities, at parades, civic and athletic functions, weather watches, patrol, lost persons, and any other functions as requested by Officers,” said Seth Stankowski, Director of Marshfield Police Auxiliary. “Members receive ongoing training from department personnel to ensure they are able to safely and effectively fulfill the tasks they are assigned.”

Police Department Photo

Celebrating its 40th anniversary this month, the Auxiliary originally formed in the mid-1970s as a group of citizen volunteers known as the Tri-County 19er CB Group, whose purpose was to provide patrol for events such as Halloween. Communication was provided between members using CB radios and dispatchers of the Marshfield Police Department through a CB base radio at the Police Station. The authority to organize as the Marshfield Police Auxiliary was granted by the Marshfield Police and Fire Commission in November of 1977.

Since inception, members of the Auxiliary Police have provided nearly 90,000 hours of their time to the community of Marshfield through the volunteer efforts of nearly 200 members.

“The role of the Police Auxiliary is important because we frequently serve as an extra set of

Police Department Photo

eyes, ears, and hands for Marshfield’s sworn Police Officers, helping to keep our community safe,” said Stankowski. “We also help save the residents of the city money. For many of the events in which we participate, volunteering our time reduces the need to bring in additional officers on overtime.”

The public is likely to interact with members of the Police Auxiliary at many of the parades, charity run/walks, and football or basketball games held in the community. They also assist with many civic events, such as the YMCA Healthy Kids Day, Cultural Fair, or the annual Central Wisconsin Fair.

“We dress in uniform, but you’ll know us by our gray shirts,” said Stankowski.

The Marshfield Police Auxiliary is always looking for and accepting new members. An application can be picked up at the Marshfield Police Department (110 W 1st Street) during normal business hours. Attending the Marshfield Police Department Citizens Academy is a great way to learn more.

Breanna Butler
Author: Breanna Butler

Breanna Butler is an award-winning multimedia producer born and raised in Central Wisconsin. She enjoys exploring and writing about the community. She lives in Marshfield with her husband and furry family.