Marshfield City Hall Reopens at New Location


Updated 9/12/18:

Marshfield City Hall is now open for business at its new location at 207 W Sixth Street, in the former Forward Bank building.

City Officials spent Friday through the weekend moving from the 75,000 square foot location to their new offices, purchased at a cost of $2.6 million.

“I think the move went very well,” said Dan Knoeck, Director of Public Works. “Staff did a great job working together, getting things packed, and working with the moving company to get everything over to the new space.”

Knoeck added that the transition has been smooth.

“No real surprises, however I think that just the volume of stuff that needed to move was a bit of a surprise for me,” he said. “Mostly, I’m looking forward to things settling down and getting back to normal (if there is such a thing).  Beyond that, I think the opportunities for improved staff efficiency by all being in closer proximity  will be beneficial as well as the improved customer focus that the new building brings.”

I think it went as smooth as it could be,” said IT Director Eng Ng. “More than a year and a half of planning and efforts went into this, with many city employees’ efforts involved.”

“I am looking forward to the opportunities for greater efficiency and effectiveness that should come from being in closer proximity to one another,” added Steve Barg, City Administrator.

Public City meetings will continue to take place in the current Council Chambers at 630 South Central Avenue through the month of September.

All businesses in the former City Hall, including Wood County Services, Hefko Floral, Marshfield Clinic Pharmacy, Polished Oasis Nail Salon, Greater Insurance, Trends Salon, and A-Z Massage, remain in the same location at 630 S Central.

“I believe our customers are going to like the new Customer Service layout, practically a one-stop shop for various government services,” said Ng. “With the new City Hall, we have added new Door Security, new Surveillance Cameras, new Audio/Video and presentation system (new video mixer, PTZ cameras and 2 large TVs) for the Council Chambers, and new Digital Signage TV in the lobby area (yet to be installed, however). Some of our users were upgraded with larger (24”) monitors and monitor arms.”

“It was not just a simple move. We were adding & upgrading technologies while moving all at the same time.” Ng gave special thanks to Rob Mader, Library System Analyst, who volunteered with computer take down, move, and setup.

Plans for the former City Hall location, which requires significant repairs, are still being developed. A planned purchase by developer Gorman and Co fell through in May 2017, and the City has had a few interested parties looking to develop offices, retail, and housing.

City Hall office hours are 7:30am-4:30pm.

News Desk
Author: News Desk