Main Street Marshfield Welcomes New Executive Director Kaelie Gomez

Erin Howard and Kaelie Gomez

Gomez and Main Street Marshfield Board Excited to Continue Making a Positive Impact on Community

Dedicated to sustaining Marshfield’s downtown, Main Street Marshfield joins with other Main Street programs around the country to enhance community identity and heritage, foster a downtown center of activity, and ensure economic stability. New to the helm of this nonprofit organization taking over for outgoing Executive Director Angie Eloranta is Kaelie Gomez.

“We wanted to find someone who was energetic, creative, and who thinks outside the box,” said Erin Howard, Main Street Marshfield Board President. “Kaelie is very approachable and likable and with the role she is going into it is beneficial to her and Main Street that she already possesses those qualities. She will be working with diverse groups of people and because she is a great listener, it will help her be able to assist others in creating and implementing ideas for the downtown.”

With prior experience in marketing, promotion, and event management, as well as previous positions in hospitality, operations, corporate, and nonprofit work, Gomez brings a unique skill set to her new role as Director.

With the responsibility of working with a diverse group of people, including more than 200 business owners, city officials, and other organizations, Gomez is undertaking a significant endeavor, one for which she is well-suited.

“She is not afraid to go into a situation that she’s never been in before,” said Howard. “In this position, that’s a quality most people develop over time with experience and because she already possesses that quality it will help her in many areas within her job.”

Gomez is no stranger to Main Street, having volunteered at various events and served on a committee, but being relatively new to the community she also brings a new perspective to her role.

“She brings fresh and new ideas, balanced with her experience and background knowledge she already has within the community and within the Main Street organization,” said Howard. “To me that’s exciting, because she has more than just one perspective coming into this role.”

Growing up in Minnesota, Gomez has fond memories of family trips to their cabin in Stillwater, a location famous for its downtown.

“I’ve always loved old downtowns,” said Gomez. “Going to the cabin in Stillwater sparked my love for Main Streets. When we moved into Marshfield [in 2016], I knew that I wanted to get involved in the City in a volunteer position. When I learned there was an organization here devoted to Main Street, I was really drawn to that. I thought it was fascinating and loved the historical emphasis on the renovation of old downtown.”

Gomez is excited to develop her new ideas for Main Street, and also to learn from those who have been here for years. With the Wenzel Family Plaza soon to be constructed, as well as the momentum inspired by the Roger Brooks presentation in May, it is an exciting time for Main Street Marshfield.

“I’m so excited to see where the plaza takes us and where Roger Brooks takes us,” said Gomez. “Once you see that vision cast, it’s really easy to get behind it.”

Howard is also inspired to see a renewed interest in the Main Street organization, something which she credits to public realization of their positive impact.

“We’ve always had a good relationship with different organizations and entities such as CVB, EDB, BID, MACCI, city officials, etc, but we are noticing it’s becoming a major partnership and we’re collaborating to the point that all of us are recognizing that we all have the same goals,” said Howard. “We’re all moving forward in a very positive way.”

Combining organizational partnerships and an Executive Director dedicated to people, it is a promising time for Main Street Marshfield.

“It’s a fun organization to be a part of,” added Howard. “This is a board made up of volunteers. We want to be a part of something. We want to make a change. We want to get behind people’s visions and ideas and help make them happen. I feel like Kaelie is going to assist in making that happen and beyond.”

“I’m most excited to meet new people and see what their passions are, to bring some new hope and energy to what they are doing,” said Gomez. “Anything I can do to get behind people’s dreams.”

Gomez lives in Marshfield with her husband, Chase, and newborn son, Rory. She officially begins her new position as Main Street Marshfield Executive Director on September 5.

News Desk
Author: News Desk