Madison Elementary Wins $10,000 From Campbell’s Soup


Madison Elementary Won Campbell’s Grandstand for Schools Contest

Madison Elementary is proud to announce that they are a winner in the Campbell’s Soup Grandstand for Schools Contest, a contest sponsored by Campbell’s Soup.

“Our parent teacher organization (PTO) is very active in collecting labels for education amongst other things to secure funds for projects and they discovered the contest,” said Madison Elementary School Principal Tiffany Scheer. “PTO promoted it on their Facebook page and through email to their listserv members. The PTO was instrumental in getting the word out about this opportunity.”

Campbells-AwardTo enter, participants went to the Grandstand for Schools website and registered their email address, choosing Madison School as the school for which they were entering. Each day during the contest’s duration, registrants could enter the sweepstakes.

“If people purchased specific products, register coupons were printed and additional entries were accepted each day,” explained Scheer.

As a contest winner, the school recently received a check for $10,000, which will be used to create a personalized learning interactive research space in the school’s library media center.

“We plan on purchasing furniture, additional technology, and materials which will afford students an additional opportunity to collaborate and create outside of the four walls of their classroom,” said Scheer. “We plan on creating a space where teachers and students can work together to increase their ability to interact and have meaningful personalized learning experiences.”

A full list of winners can be found at the contest website, and Madison teachers, students, and parents are excited to be on the list and thankful to those who helped them win.

“We are so grateful for the families and community members who took the time to enter this contest on behalf of Madison School,” said Scheer. “It is only with their continued support that Madison can continue to be an exceptional school where learners come first. We are truly appreciative.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk