Jason Angell Announces Departure from City of Marshfield Position


Director of Development Services’ Jason Angell to Leave Position

Director of Development Services Jason Angell announced this week that he is leaving his position with the City of Marshfield.

“I have elected to leave my position with the City to pursue another opportunity that I feel will not only provide new challenges but also open new doors for myself and family,” said Angell.

Having been with the City since June 2008, Angell has been involved in numerous projects, including the new Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, Wenzel Family Plaza, Downtown Facade Improvement Program, 200 block, and dozens of other economic development projects.

Whether helping small businesses to expand or improve or developing facilities and attracting new businesses, Angell is proud of the work he has done for the community.

“Every project I have been involved with has been both challenging and rewarding – which is why I enjoy doing what I do,” he said, adding that what he will most miss is the people.

“I have had the pleasure of working with some great people- from City employees to business owners and residents. The relationships I have formed here have helped me both professionally and personally,” he said. “Working with other partner organizations have also been great. I feel that in my time here we have been able to strengthen existing and expand partnerships both locally and within the region.”

These partnerships include MACCI, Main Street Marshfield, BID, Wood County and Central Wisconsin Economic Development. Area leaders from these organizations reflected on Angell’s time with the City:

“MACCI had the opportunity to partner with Jason on many economic development projects, which improved the business condition of Marshfield,” said Scott Larson, Executive Director, MACCI. “During Jason’s time at the City of Marshfield, he was a consistent and valued partner to MACCI. His commitment to business and the overall improvement of Marshfield will be missed.”

“Jason has been a major asset and a key player in the efforts of revitalization and economic development to our downtown and the city as a whole,” added Erin Howard, Main Street Marshfield Board President. “He is on our economic restructuring committee and has been a major supporter and resource for the facade program the city and main street both partnered in, which is to help beautify and restore historic properties within our downtown. We have been very fortunate to work with him over the years and appreciate all that he has done for Main Street and the city as a whole. I wish him nothing but the best in his new future endeavors.”

“You don’t have to look very far to see the positive impact that Jason has brought to our community, from the developments that he has been involved in, to the relationships he has developed with our business community, to the new initiatives that he has fostered, to his public service through United Way,” said City of Marshfield Public Works Director Dan Knoeck. “He brings a positive energy and enthusiasm to whatever he does.  Jason has clearly been a difference maker for the City and he will deeply missed.  Having said that though, Jason is ready for new challenges. I’m sure that he will thrive in his new position and I wish him and his family all the best.”

“In many communities, planners see things in black and white while economic developers see the rainbow. Jason was the hybrid, able to find the balance in both,” said Karen Olson, Business Development Director with Marshfield Area Chamber Foundation. “He turned the phrase ‘we can’t do that’ to ‘how can we NOT do that?’, which helped turn the tide on a lot of development in this community.

“What a ride the last nine years have been working with Jason- Up hills and downhills, through many twists and turns, always going 100 miles an hour to meet deadlines,” added Olson. “We truly had a teamwork approach when it came to working with developers and on many, many projects.  So often we heard comments about how refreshing it was to see the City and Chamber partner together and make things happen.  No matter how big or small the project, or how challenging the task, Jason’s fun-loving approach always made it an amazing adventure!”

Along with his job, Angell has also enjoyed being involved in the Marshfield community.

“On a personal level, I have really enjoyed my time serving on numerous boards and committees within the Community and Region. Serving on the YMCA Board of Directors and also the United Way Board has been a tremendous opportunity,” he said. “Both of these organizations mean a lot to my entire family. This year we have been honored to serve as the Campaign Chairs for United Way, and I’m thankful that my new opportunity will allow us to fulfill this commitment to United Way and the community.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk