Innovative Machine Specialists Welcomes Fifth Heavy Metal Bus Tour


Heavy Metal Bus Tour Educates Students on Manufacturing Careers

By Molly Schecklman – While the name “Heavy Metal Bus Tour” might bring up some thoughts of loud music, long guitar solos, singers screaming into microphones, and crowded concert halls, the tour making its way across Central and Northern Wisconsin has a destination that is quite different than one might expect.

The Heavy Metal Bus Tour offers eighth grade students the opportunity to tour various manufacturing facilities and learn about the different jobs and careers that are readily available in the world of manufacturing.

Innovative Machine Specialists, Inc. (IMS) has been participating in the Heavy Metal Bus Tour since 2013 and is very excited to welcome the eighth graders in attendance.

“I enjoy watching the reactions of the eighth graders as they tour our business. We find the exposure to students who might not have ever heard of us very beneficial,” said Andy Martin, co-owner. “We want to make sure we are exposing young people to different jobs in manufacturing.”

This can be a very exciting time for employers because they might be meeting their future employees. This tour may open doors that students never even realized existed, and in the future, employers could see their applications for a youth apprenticeship or full-time position on their desks.

The Heavy Metal Bus Tour is sponsored by the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board with support from the Central Wisconsin Metal Manufacturer’s Alliance (CWIMMA) and three technical colleges, including Mid-State Technical College.

The tour will be taking place Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Eighth grade students from Auburndale, Columbus, Granton, Marshfield, Pittsville, and Wisconsin Rapids will be touring 11 different companies throughout Central Wisconsin.

News Desk
Author: News Desk