How to Get Involved in Local Government


Your Guide on Getting Involved in Marshfield

We’ll bet that you’ve probably, at one point or another, had an idea to improve the City of Marshfield? Chances are, you don’t always agree with the decisions being made in the community. As Ghandi said: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

There are several ways YOU can let your voice be heard, or even get involved.

Contact your Alderman, the Mayor, or City Administrator

The City of Marshfield is divided into ten aldermanic districts. Each district is represented by an alderman. To find out which one you live in, click here.*

Bob McManus
(715) 387-6597

City Administrator
Steve Barg
(715) 387-6597
7th Floor
630 S. Central Ave.
Marshfield, WI 54449

District 1
Michael J. Feirer (elected in 2000)
406 W. Cleveland Street

District 2
Nick Poeschel (elected in 2017)
927 Western Street

District 3
Quentin Rosandich (elected in 2020)
1104 Fairview Drive

District 4
Ken Bargender (elected in 2019)
206 Hawthorn

District 5
Ed Wagner (elected in 2020)
501 W 17th Street

District 6
Tom Witzel (elected in 2016) – Council President
1500 S. Cedar Avenue

District 7
Adam Fischer (elected in 2019)
1323 E. 17th St.

District 8
Rebecca Spiros (elected in 2013)
1406 E. Fillmore Street

District 9
Tom Buttke (elected in 2000)
406 N. Vine Avenue

District 10
Peter O. Hendler (elected in 2007)
1701 N Palmetto Avenue

*updated June 2020

Attend a City Meeting

You can find a full list of City meetings on the City’s website: click here.
Can’t make the meeting? Watch online (click here) to keep up-to-date on what’s happening.

The City of Marshfield hosts regular meetings.

Join a Committee or Commission
or Volunteer or Submit Input

Committees & Commissions

Airport Committee
Meets on the 3rd Thursday each month at 6 p.m. at the Airport.
This committee shall be composed of five members, one of whom shall be an alderperson, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council to a one-year term at the organizational meeting in April of each year. The remaining members shall be appointed in April to staggered terms. The airport manager shall serve as nonvoting secretary.
Jurisdiction for the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation of the municipal airport and authority to adopt regulations, fees and charges, is hereby vested in the airport committee, subject to the approval of the council.

Board of Appeals (Zoning)
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
A Zoning Board of Appeals is established to provide an appeal procedure for persons who deem themselves aggrieved by decisions of administrative officers in the enforcement of this Chapter.

Board of Public Works
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday at 5:30 p.m.
The board of public works shall be composed of five alderpersons, who are not also serving on the finance, budget and personnel committee. The director of public works or his designee shall act as nonvoting secretary. It shall be the duty of the board, under the direction of the council, to superintend all public works and keep the streets, alleys, sewers and public works and places in repair.

Board of Review
Meets on the 2nd Monday in May
The duties of the board of review shall be as prescribed by law. See § 70.47 Wis. Stats. Board members shall participate in training sessions as necessary to obtain the education required for certification as recommended by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue.

Business Improvement District
Meets As Needed.
The Common Council of the City of Marshfield created a business improvement district on November 27, 1990 and authorized the levy of assessments on properties located within the district for the purpose of funding Marshfield’s Main Street Program costs.

Cable Committee
Meets on the 2nd Monday at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Room 108.
The Committee shall formulate a budget for its operations, shall serve as the advocate for consumers of video broadcast services and shall process consumer and citizen complaints and other correspondence related to video broadcast service and as to any Video Service Provider or Cable Operator, which information, at the discretion of the Committee, can be submitted to any state or federal agency delegated oversight or licensing responsibilities for Video Service Provider or Cable Operator, and shall recommend action in connection therewith to the Council, and shall recommend such other duties and shall have such other responsibilities as may be imposed upon it, from time to time, by the Council.

Central Wisconsin State Fair Board
Meets on the 3rd Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Fair Office.
Pursuant to City of Marshfield Resolution No. 83-41, and agreement pursuant to that resolution, the board of Marshfield Fairgrounds Commission shall have full, complete and exclusive jurisdiction of the city-owned fairgrounds, including improvements and maintenance of the facilities and buildings, and the use thereof.

City Plan Commission
Meets on the 3rd Tuesday at 7 p.m.
The city plan commission shall have power and authority to employ experts and a staff, not exceeding, in all, the appropriation that may be made for such commission by the council, or placed at its disposal through gifts, and subject to any ordinance or resolution enacted by the council.

Committee on Aging
Meets on the 1st Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
Functions of the committee are as follows: To advise the council regarding overall aging issues within the city, including seniors’ programs and proposed usage of municipal senior facilities and to encourage community seniors to become more involved in aging issues.; To examine the need for future community services and programs for the older adult and to assist in the development of such services and programs as established to be necessary and desirable for the citizenry of Marshfield.; To gather and disseminate information regarding services, programs and facilities available.; To encourage and foster the development of programs for older adults by civil, religious, fraternal and other interested groups.; To provide coordination between local programs for the elderly and state and national programs for the aging.

Community Development Authority
Meets on the 3rd Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Cedar Rail.
A need for blight elimination, slum clearance, urban renewal and community development programs and projects and housing projects exists in the City of Marshfield.

Economic Development Board
Meets on the 1st Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
To direct, oversee, and coordinate all economic development activities related to the investment of City funds, to adopt plans and strategies designed to foster business growth and development, and to ensure that the City and participating organizations work in a cooperative manner to promote coordinated economic development in the community.

Fairgrounds Commission
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
Pursuant to City of Marshfield Resolution No. 83-41, and agreement pursuant to that resolution, the board of Marshfield Fairgrounds Commission shall have full, complete and exclusive jurisdiction of the city-owned fairgrounds, including improvements and maintenance of the facilities and buildings, and the use thereof.

Fire and Police Commission
Meets on the 1st Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at the Fire Department.
The city fire and police departments shall be governed in accordance with § 62.13 Wis. Stats., except that pension funds shall be in accordance with the Wisconsin Retirement Act. By virtue of a referendum duly held in the city, the fire and police commission has the optional powers designated in § 62.13(6) Wis. Stats.

Finance, Budget and Personnel
Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
This committee, or its designee, shall examine all bills against the city, except those bills over which some other body has lawful jurisdiction, and except those claims arising outside of the ordinary course of business operations of the city, but this committee shall recommend such bills for payment. The committee also shall supervise all debt issues; shall supervise all insurance carried by the city; shall have general supervision of the employment and dismissal of all city employees subject to the recommendation of the departments concerned and the approval of the council; and shall have such other duties as may, from time to time, be designated by the council.

Historic Preservation Committee
Meets on the 1st Monday at 4:00 p.m.
The Historic Preservation Committee shall have the following powers and duties: To develop appropriate criteria and standards for identifying and evaluating historic structures, sites and districts.; To collect necessary data, including photographs, drawings, descriptions, recorded interviews and written documentation, and to survey and permanently record the origin, development, use and historical significance of structures, sites and districts.; To recommend the designation of historical structures, sites and districts within the City limits. Such historic structures, sites and districts shall be subject to all the provisions of this Article.; To cooperate with federal, state and local agencies in the nomination of locally designated historic structures, sites and districts to the National Register of Historic Places. ;To recommend legislation and programs which provide economic incentives for historic preservation. ; To review certificates of appropriateness and to adopt policies and procedures for this function.; To recommend appropriate markers or plaques for historic structures, sites and districts.; To receive and solicit gifts and contributions for historic preservation in the City, to be placed in a special account.; To promote among the citizens of Marshfield continuing public awareness and support for the heritage of the City, as exemplified by its historic structures, sites and districts. Housing

Rehabilitation Committee
Meets as Needed.

Judiciary and License Committee
Meets As Needed.
This committee shall investigate and recommend for payment or disallowance all claims against the city other than the regular bills and claims received in the ordinary course of the city’s business operations; shall conduct the investigation for and shall recommend the issuance or rejection of all licenses granted by the city, except as otherwise wise specifically provided by law or ordinance; This committee shall also have general supervision of the preparation of all charter ordinances proposed for adoption by the council unless otherwise designated by the council.

Library Board
Meets on the 2nd Tuesday at 7 a.m.
he members of the board of trustees of the Marshfield Public Library from the City of Marshfield shall be appointed, shall serve and shall have the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the agreement between the City of Marshfield and the Town of McMillan.

Main Street Marshfield
Main Street Marshfield joins with other Main Street programs around the country to enhance community identity and heritage, foster a downtown center of activity and ensure economic stability.

Marshfield Utility Commission
Meets on the Monday prior to the first Common Council meeting of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Water & Light Office
The commission shall have such general powers in the construction, extension, improvement and operation of the utility as designated by ordinance or resolution of the council or by the laws of the state, and shall have the authority to expend up to $25,000.00 on any specific improvement or purchase without approval of the council.

Parks, Recreation and Forestry
Meets on the 2nd Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in Room 108
The committee shall be responsible for formulating policies and general regulations for all city parks, including Wildwood Zoo, fairgrounds (subject to the jurisdiction of the fair commission), pedestrian/bicycle trails and other city facilities as provided further in chapter 21 of this Code.

University Center Commission
Meets quarterly the 3rd Thursday at 5:30 p.m. (University Center) Special meetings called as necessary.
There is hereby created a Board of University Extension Center Commissioners which shall have the full, complete and exclusive jurisdiction of the selection of a site for said center, including the taking of an option or options for that purpose and making payment for the same, the negotiations for the purchase of said site, the advertising for and awarding of bids for the construction of said center, the letting of contracts therefore, and the care, custody, maintenance, improvement and repair of said lands and buildings during its operation as a University Extension Center.


District Polling Place
1, 2, 3, 4, 10 and City Portion of Marathon County: Oak Avenue Community Center, 201 S. Oak Ave.

5, 6, 7
Wildwood Station, 1800 S. Roddis Ave.

8, 9
Community Center (Old Library), 211 E. 2nd Street

Run for Office

City aldermen are elected to two-year terms, as is the Mayor. Learn more about how to run by reading our guide here, or contacting City Clerk Deb Hall at 715-486-2023.

News Desk
Author: News Desk