Final Plans for Wenzel Family Plaza

Proposed rendering from April 2017. Has since been updated.

Final Plans Presented at April 18 Plan Commission Meeting

At the April 18 Plan Commission meeting, Development Services Director Jason Angell presented final design plans for Wenzel Family Plaza.

The design includes various site amenities, including seating, accent lighting, a charging hub, bicycle parking, and tables with moveable seating. Paving plans were also presented, and include brick, colored plaza concrete, rail in pavement, and standard concrete.

Other highlights of the plan include a Civic Fountain with foaming geyser and LED lighting, a performance stage and arbor, and an entry feature.

Those interested can watch the full presentation below, but are encouraged to keep in mind that some of the images used are conceptual only.

“Some of the images that are included in the presentation are only to represent the thought process that went into the overall design and not to represent the actual design that will be used,” said Angell. “For example, the image of the benches and trash cans is not the style that will be used.”

Full Plan Commission Meeting Video.
Previous article on Wenzel Family Plaza.

News Desk
Author: News Desk