Currently Four Candidates Have Taken Out Papers for Mayoral Race


City of Marshfield Mayoral Election Update

In late November, Mayor Chris Meyer announced that he will not be running for Mayor again, after having served since first elected on April 1, 2008.

2014 was the last time the City of Marshfield had a contested Mayoral race, but the 2018 election is shaping up to be an exciting one! Papers could begin being circulated on December 1, 2017.

According to the City Clerk’s office, four candidates have taken out papers for Mayor, though have yet to file their papers.  They are:

  1. Thomas Witzel (Current District 6 Alderperson)
  2. Bob McManus
  3. Rebecca Spiros (Current District 8 Alderperson)
  4. Emilee Denman

To become a candidate for Mayor, a person must collect between 200-400 signatures from City of Marshfield residents.

After those are completed and returned to the Clerk, the Clerk will provide nomination papers. These must be circulated and returned to the Clerk no later than 5:00pm on January 2.

Deadline for candidates to file nomination papers, declarations of candidacy, and campaign registrations statements for the 2018 Spring Election with the City Clerk is January 2, 2018.

Want to enter the race? Learn how:

How to Run for Mayor in the City of Marshfield




News Desk
Author: News Desk