Council to Further Discuss City Property Sale at 8th and Hemlock


At Tuesday’s meeting of the City of Marshfield Common Council, members will again discuss the possible disposition of City-owned property at East 8th Street and Hemlock Avenue. This comes two weeks after residents expressed frustration with the sale, using the public comment period at the September 25 Common Council meeting to address the possible sale and development of the land, which is located across from the south end of Beell Stadium.

Concerns expressed from residents pertained to parking, safety, and government transparency. These concerns were discussed at the October 1 Board of Public Works meeting and discussion will now move before Council.

In a memo to Common Council, Parks and Recreation Director Justin Casperson outlined the history of the property.

“The property was used as an outdoor ice skating rink. However, that discontinued many years ago,” the memo stated. “Currently, it’s used for parking for football games and practices and other activities that take place at the Middle School. The Parks & Recreation Department conducts the maintenance on it (mowing, snow removal).”

His memo also highlighted the City’s policy regarding “Public Property Disposition,” a City policy enacted in April 2005:

“The City has a policy that governs decisions with regard to excess property. It is called the ‘Public Property Disposition Policy’… In summary, the policy states that if the City has excess property that is not utilized for its highest and best use, the City may choose to develop the property for more active use and to bring it back onto the City tax roll. And it states; the City will participate in housing projects to promote homeownership opportunities for low and moderate income families.”

Casperson also recapped August 28th Common Council meeting, during which Council directed City staff to seek proposals for the 8th and Hemlock property. Development Services, Public Works and Parks and Recreation then drafted a RFP that was released on September 10, with a deadline of September 28th. Development Services received one proposal, from Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity.

“Marshfield Area Habitat for Humanity is pleased to have the opportunity to submit the requested RFP for the property located on E. 8th Street and Hemlock,” organization representatives Ed Korlesky and Don Zais stated in their RFP letter. “Our goal is to certify families as Partner Families and build quality and affordable homes for them which they could not purchase on the open market. This, primarily because of their financial situation related to credit scores, debt/equity and ability to come up with the required down payment for a conventional loan.”

The public is welcome to attend government meetings. Common Council will take place on Tuesday, October 9 at 6:00pm at the former City Hall Council Chambers, 630 S Central Ave.

Citizens Express Frustration With Property Sale on 8th Street

Traffic Concerns

News Desk
Author: News Desk