Common Council Members to Attend EDB Meeting

Wenzel Family Plaza under construction - November 1, 2017

Second Street Corridor Project Highlighted Discussion

The 2nd Street Corridor Development has been a conceptual project for several years – one that is starting to materialize in Marshfield. At the previous Economic Development Board Meeting, members approved a motion instructing staff to determine funding for an additional $30,000 to be used for the 2nd Street Corridor Redevelopment Plan, a plan that cost an estimated $50,000 to develop.

The motion, presented by Director of Development Services Josh Miller, was a request to recommend approval of Budget Resolution No. 12-2018, transferring $30,000 from the 205 Revolving Loan Fund to the Economic Development Budget for the West 2nd Street redevelopment plan.

This motion failed at Finance, Budget and Personnel Committee and was sent back to EDB for further review.

“I don’t feel now is the appropriate time for a study that will likely be out-of-date if and when the city has funds to further develop the 2nd St. Corridor,” said Alderwoman Rebecca Spiros. “Right now we have a hotly contested Wenzel Plaza that hasn’t even seen its first event. While there is likely an opportunity for an economic benefit to the city in redeveloping the corridor further sometime in the future, as good stewards of the tax-payor, I believe the City of Marshfield needs to take a break from spending and reevaluate the wants and needs of our citizens.”

Members of the Common Council are expected to attend the EDB meeting taking place this evening, and Mayor Bob McManus hopes that a joint effort between Council members and EDB will be fruitful.

“Our Economic Development Board is absolutely incredible and they want this study done to see what options are available in redeveloping the 2nd Street Corridor,” said McManus. “And instead of just coming up with limited ideas, they decided that a study would be best to look at all options available, and to do that they need this study to be completed.”

“The Finance, Budget, and Personnel Committee did not approve this study and this led to a joint meeting between the Common Council and the EDB,” he added. “I am confident that once the entire vision of the 2nd Street Corridor potential is expressed to the Council, a reconsideration will have a positive outcome.”

According to EDB member Aaron Staab, the City of Marshfield has invested in several studies throughout the past ten or more years that point to the redevelopment opportunities in the downtown areas of the City.

“Redevelopment of the 2nd Street Corridor going west of Central Avenue has been identified as an area having great economic value to the City,” he said. “Its Central City location just south of Veterans Parkway and west of Central Avenue offers visibility and accessibility to most traffic going to/from jobs and passing through the City.  Many of the properties currently site buildings that are principally used for storage thus have little economic value in terms of jobs and services.”

Staab highlighted the Weinbrenner property, stating that it has many employees that likely would be more efficient and comfortable in a facility that would have lower operational costs.

“Much of that building is not utilized well; low-turnover storage or empty,” he said. “The City Garage property has little added economic value and has outside storage & warehouse  street view; it can be relocated to an appropriate lower price industrial property closer to the south and east perimeters of the City that are closer to the USH 10 & I-39 corridors. The new Everett Roehl Library, Simplicity Bank services at the Thomas House, Wenzel Family Plaza, Blodgett Haus, the Facade program, the Oak Ave Athletic Fields and many other smaller but notable happenings in the downtown have already increased first impressions and spurred business interest in the Marshfield’s downtown.”

Staab said that the EDB’s plan will identify the opportunities, and their benefits and costs.

“Hopefully it will strengthen the vision for the 2nd Street Corridor and give us more confidence that this would provide great economic benefit to the City of Marshfield,” he said.

EDB meets tonight at 5:30 and the full agenda can be found on the City website.

News Desk
Author: News Desk