Common Council Approves Development Agreement with Packaging Corporation of America


Common Council Approves Development Agreement with PCA

On August 10, the City of Marshfield Common Council held a special meeting (full packet here).

On the Agenda:
D. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85(1)(e) “Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session.”
• Development agreement for project in TID #7

“In Closed Session, we discussed a development we’ve been working on for a very short time, but it’s an incredibly large development for our community,” said Mayor Chris Meyer after the meeting re-entered open session. “It’s probably one of the largest developments we’ve had in better than a decade in the City of Marshfield.”

Meyer added that the project came together very quickly and that tonight the Council heard the development agreement that had been drafted with Packaging Corporation of America, which is currently located in Colby, Wisconsin and is looking to relocate to Marshfield.

“This is a significant project for our community because it relocates eighty jobs to our community and provides the potential for an additional twenty new jobs once the factory is completed expansion is underway,” added Meyer.

After reviewing the development agreement (in Closed Session), the Common Council approved the agreement.

Related items were also discussed, including:

G. Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 08-2017, transferring $3,094,400 within TID #7 Yellowstone Industrial Park Fund for infrastructure improvements and developer incentives per development agreement. Presented by Keith Strey, Finance Director.


H. Request to approve an agreement with MSA Professional Services for engineering services related to improvements in TID #7. Presented by Dan Knoeck, Director of Public Works.

Both were approved 9-0.

“Hats off to our staff and some of the business partners in the community that worked to make this a reality for us in Marshfield,” said Meyer.

Watch the meeting here. City meetings are live-streamed on MGTV Charter Channel 991 and online.

News Desk
Author: News Desk