Colby-Abbotsford and Spencer Police Departments Join ‘Lip Sync Challenge’


In response to a ‘Lip Sync Challenge’ that’s sweeping police departments across the nation and attracting millions of views online, the Colby-Abbotsford and Spencer Police Departments took part in their own video released Thursday.

It featured uniformed officers lip-syncing to hits like ‘Despacito,’ and ‘Ice Ice Baby’ with maracas, sombreros, and colored wigs as props. In three hours, the video reached over 9,000 views on Facebook.

“It’s been going on all around the country and we decided that it would be good to entertain the community,” said Brad Bauer, police officer at Spencer Police Department.

The department was challenged by a community member to make the video and invited the Colby-Abbotsford Police Department to join in. After choosing songs from their playlists that haven’t been used as much in other videos, officers took two days to put the video together.

“I think the community sees that we can have fun, and makes us approachable,” said Bauer.

The Spencer Police Department would like to challenge their neighbors, the Marshfield Police Department, to participate in the Lip Sync Challenge.

News Desk
Author: News Desk