City of Marshfield Arbor Day Celebration


Arbor Day Celebration to be held at Lincoln Elementary

The City of Marshfield Street Division will hold its annual “Arbor Day” celebration on May 4th, 2017 at 1:00 P.M. at Lincoln Elementary. Lincoln Elementary is located on the corner of 17th St. and Felker Ave.

Members and staff of the facility will be participating in the program. At the conclusion of the program all attendees will be receiving a tree seedling to be planted at their home.

City of Marshfield Mayor, Chris Meyer, has been invited and will give an opening presentation.

Don Kissinger of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will present the City with their 2016 ‘Tree City U.S.A.’ award, give a short history of Arbor Day and will also demonstrate the proper way to plant a tree. The tree to be planted is being donated by Beaver Creek Nursery of Marshfield.

Anyone interested in attending this year’s event is more then welcome to do so.

Parking will be available on site.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mike Winch at
(715) 486-2081.

News Desk
Author: News Desk