Changes Coming to Main Street Marshfield

Erin Howard and Angie Eloranta at Main Street Marshfield

Angie Eloranta Excited About Future of Main Street

As Executive Director of Main Street Marshfield since June 2014, Angie Eloranta has enjoyed working closely with downtown businesses on ways to improve Marshfield’s downtown and market it to both local and neighboring communities.

After three years on the job, Eloranta will be leaving her position in August due to a new venture, but is confident that the strong Board of Directors currently serving Main Street Marshfield will continue to maintain and grow the current vision as they work to fill her position. By providing early notice, Eloranta hopes to help fill the position and implement a smooth transition for the new director who comes on board.

“Because we have a couple of very strong candidates in mind, I feel very confident that the transition from Angie’s position to the new director will be smooth and exciting,” said Erin Howard, Board President. “Angie has done such a great job of creating and of taking the role that she originally received and made into her own.”

“This job has been a tremendous experience for me, allowing me to grow as a professional and work with all kinds of great people in the community,” added Eloranta. “I will miss working with Main Street, but I know we will find a new director to continue the organization’s mission and bring new energy to the downtown.”

A not-for-profit volunteer corporation, Main Street Marshfield is designed to act as a catalyst for revitalizing the downtown area through concentrated efforts of organization, promotion, design, and economic restructuring.

“Revitalization is a long-term process, and I’m happy to see Main Street moving in the right direction,” said Eloranta. “We don’t always see immediate results, but there are so many exciting things that will be happening downtown in the near future.”

Overseen by an active Board of Directors, Main Street Marshfield is also responsible for various events and promotions in the downtown, including Hub City Days, Holiday Parade, Third Thursdays, Hardacre Park entertainment, and more.

Eloranta has brought strong planning, leadership, organization, and communication skills to the position, and any candidate for her position must do the same.

“We are confident in the future because we have such great candidates in mind,” said Howard. “That being said, I would not be as passionate about Main Street as a volunteer and as Board President if it weren’t for Angie’s leadership, excitement, and friendship. I’m going to miss her dearly, but I’m excited for her new future endeavors.”

News Desk
Author: News Desk