Beautification Projects Improve Downtown Marshfield


Main Street Marshfield Beautification Projects

Submitted by Angie Eloranta, Main Street Marshfield Executive Director

Main Street Marshfield decided to update the downtown banners last year to include some double banners, brighter colors, and key words that entice people visit the downtown area. Key words such as Explore, Shop, and Dine! The new banners are also very functional, with some pointing you towards parking lots and promoting our downtown businesses. There are several banners which are switched out seasonally to promote local events.

In April and May this year, we are planning to showcase historic downtown photos from the North Wood County Historical Society. We have received a lot of positive remarks on the banners and how eye-catching they are!

We are very fortunate to have great business partners. Premier Printing designed and produced the banners and Solutionz does all maintenance and switching out of our seasonal banners. With their assistance we have cut our costs and improved the beautification of the downtown, making the banner update a major success for organization.

One past beautification project that Main Street Marshfield spearheaded was the downtown amenities campaign. Amenities such as the planters, street poles, benches, garbage bins, bike racks, etc. After the Central Avenue construction in 2009, these amenities were added to improve the walkability and leisureliness of the downtown. A lot of these amenities have sponsors, but there are still a handful that do not. This is a great opportunity for a business sponsorship or a memorial dedication.

Main Street Marshfield has been organizing the volunteers for the flower planters, parking lot gardens, and Veterans Boulevard for many, many years! Nearly 600 volunteer hours go into the flower planting downtown each year! We have 70 flower planters downtown, 3 parking lot gardens, and Veterans Parkway to plant. Each year gets harder and harder to find enough volunteers. Once again, we are fortunate to have a great business partnership. Eric and Danielle at Mill Creek Gardens help plan the flower arrangements and do all the watering throughout the summer. They also work out all the details and do the planting for the Fall and Holiday planter arrangements.

Earth Day Clean Up
We will be hosting our Downtown Clean Up on Earth Day, April 22nd from 10am – 12pm. Everyone will meet at The Hardacre Park on 5th & Central Ave and we will disperse to do our clean up. At noon, we will wrap up at the park with a free lunch to all our volunteers!

Façade Program
The Façade Grant Program continues to be a success in the downtown. This year, we already have several applicants seeking to do front and rear façade improvements. The City of Marshfield’s Economic Development Board (EDB) has assigned $50,000 towards the project and we are still accepting applications. Last year’s program included $15,000 from Main Street Marshfield and $100,000 from the EDB. All of the funds last year were used and spurred $378,625 worth of improvements to be done.

More Information
Volunteer Sign-Up
Wenzel Plaza Sponsorship


News Desk
Author: News Desk