Angell Family to Chair United Way Campaign

Katie Frank Photography

Annual Campaign Integral to United Way’s Success

Each year, the Marshfield Area United Way provides financial support to dozens of community programs, including Personal Development Center, Home-Delivered Meals, Mary’s Place, YouthNet, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Pathway Partners, Nutrition on Weekends, and the Frederic Ozanam Transitional Shelter.

Annually serving more than 15,000 people in need, the Marshfield Area United Way depends on the generosity of the community to make these programs a success.

In September, the United Way will kick off its annual campaign, a key fundraising time for the organization.

Making sure the campaign is a success are the Campaign Drive Chairs, who act as the face of the campaign and a voice for the community. This year, Jason and Kim Angell, and their children Parker (10) and Addison (8), are excited to be serving the community in their role as Campaign Drive Chairs.

“Jason has been very involved in United Way,” said Paula Jero, Marshfield Area United Way Director. “He’s on our Board of Directors and Chairs the Allocation Committee that determines how funding is distributed to the local organizations. He also volunteers with our Backpack event and is an active Nutrition On Weekends volunteer.”

“They recommended us [to be drive chairs]. I had no idea until I got cornered after a meeting!” said Jason.

“He is the definition of a United Way Champion,” said Jero. “When we approached him he said that he wanted to do it with his family, he and Kim really wanted their children to have this experience as a family. It has been a wonderful choice. They are a caring, giving family and great United Way Ambassadors.”

Katie Frank Photography

Longtime supporters of United Way, the Angell’s have spent the last several months learning more about the United Way in preparation for their role. After taking tours of the various United Way- funded centers and doing hands-on work with an elementary book drive, the family is ready and excited to start campaigning.

“Our main goal is to be more aware and to make others more aware,” said Kim.

“Where United Way has gained the most support is any time you say ‘kids’,” said Jason. “It’s the great recognition comes from the NOW program, backpack to school drive, etc, because there are so many lives touched by it. That’s great, but I think we forget sometimes what that truly means when you are packing a lunch. It means that there are that many families uncertain about what they are going to eat this weekend.”

With a special passion for programs assisting children and the elderly, Kim is eager to help raise awareness for various United Way programs targeting these demographics.

“That older adult range, they are sort of forgotten. Every age group should know that they are not alone,” she said, adding that a recent trip to Marshfield Area Respite Center was enlightening. “That’s where people aren’t as willing to celebrate that there are seniors in this community that are suffering, that have needs.”

Jason works full time for the City of Marshfield as Director of Development Services, and brings unique insight to his position as Campaign Chair. Working as an X-ray Technologist, Kim enjoys helping people from behind the scenes. Being the face of a public campaign is a new experience, but one she has embraced fully.

“It has been a pleasant experience so far,” she said. “I think it’s nice we are becoming more involved in the community. Hopefully it will open doors for others, too.”

Parker and Addison are also eager to help.

Katie Frank Photography

“They are super excited,” said Kim. “I want them to get a little bit out of giving. So often they are the ones receiving gifts. They really do appreciate that they are involved and part of what we are doing.”

“They get super excited when we say they are going to a United Way thing,” added Jason.

The Angell’s are eager to help launch the Marshfield Area United Way’s campaign this September, and to support this hard-working organization that does so much for the community.

“We’re excited for it to really get going. In the coming months, we look forward to seeing the campaign kick off and hopefully we are able to maintain the status that so many before us have established,” said Jason, adding that there are new, unique additions to the campaign coming this year. “We are excited to unveil those as the time becomes available.”

Donations to the Marshfield Area United Way can be made securely online through their website, or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 771. Donations can also be dropped off at their location at 156 S Central Avenue during open hours.

With the mission to increase the community’s capacity to care for one another, Marshfield Area United Way prioritizes and addresses human service needs by building partnerships, forging consensus, and leveraging resources to achieve a measurable, sustained, and positive outcome.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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